Torn muscle? What to do about it, and how to do it.
It’s not every day that you pull a muscle, but when you do, WHAT should you do about it? My friend, if your answer is STRETCHING, you are...
Nasty Feet: What research tells us about ourselves.
Think your nasty feet are alone? Nope. it's common, almost expected for climbers and today we jump into the nitty gritty of it. Today I'm...
What to do About Achy Swollen PIP & DIP Finger Joints
Do you suffer from stiff swollen or puffy painful finger joints? Regardless of if you are an old crusty climber with a stiff rigid painless
Heel Hooks and YOU.
This topic is for those of you who have been asking for heel hooking advice... Turns out this is one of my most visited posts! If you...
The Big 5 Climbing Technique Cheats & what to do about them.
We see the cheat mechanism in multiple examples of shoulder and hand stability. The neck can clench and cheat for the shoulder, supplying st
Boost Volume without Side Effects: Skill #1
How to boost climbing volume without side effects. Slow down your first few days back. I'm so excited to help you to get back to doing...
Case Study: The Athlete That Climbed Through Fracture.
This article is about avulsion fractures of the extensor tendons of the fingers. We cover imaging options, self-care and surgical...
Episode 6: Six Steps You Can Take To Effectively Communicate With Your Doctor
Today, I’m going to walk you through a checklist, of 6 things that you can do today to better your messaging. To your doctor, your...
Un-Sprained Episode 5: Tape That Finger
Join me for Episode 5 of Un-Sprained where tape meets tactics. Pulleys, strategies and of course, tape!
SELF TEST: Can You Diagnose the 3 Most Common Wrist Pains with Climbing?
Here are the three most common scenarios common to climbers. Try to think through each as to what injury they might have, and if this might