Padding that Finger Bump

I've had a climbing injury or two but the WORST ones are those that cannot be healed. Managing previous injury is what I preach best- Let's discuss one near and dear to my own heart- Giant Cell Tumors.

The first surgeon with which I discussed this injury thought that the nodule was a Ganglion Cyst (which are soft and squishy). When I pointed out this discrepancy, we then moved to the Giant Cell Tumor diagnosis.

A little cell that grows large and is made of fibrous material, these little nodules are hard and solid like a rock. Feeling like a little pebble under your skin, this large cell is firmly anchored to the structures below the skin. Most commonly the irritated nodule is on an A2 or A4 pulley in my office due to the mechanical loading of the region but they can also be located elsewhere in your finger or on your palm further up along the flexor tendons.

The end symptom is not nice...Like a little unhappy dragon, these little guys can be havoc if they get swollen and unhappy!

How do you get It?

  • There is a hereditary component with most cases.

  • A body that thinks putting down extra scar tissue is good.

  • Downhill mountain biking put too much force into the area.

  • A job that is too hand intensive.

  • Possibly too tight of finger flexor tendons.

If you feel these little bumps in there, this might just be you. Don't worry, with management, you can keep on climbing. If you can resist pulling on holds that are sharp and painful.

This particular case is my own... With time, it has gotten quite large (6mm across by my measurement). Once I realized padding and unweighting would affect it, I've been able to hault the pain and the size increases. It could be that it is as big as it is going to get, and I wish I had padded it sooner as now the size is quite permanent unless it is surgically removed (which I am opting out of due to the risks to the A2 pulley).

Increased with pressure or friction on the wrong holds, this little trick will HOPEFULLY help you to keep climbing with out it getting too much worse.

Important Diagnostic Note:

Keep in mind, this is over my A2 pulley but there is no pulley tear and the system is intact. This tape job is not intended for pulley pain or tendonitis.

SlideShow: How to Tape your Pulley with a GCT

Check out the slide show above for my nodule taping technique that I use for gym climbing or on weekend trips. Hope you like it!

#nodules #fingerpain #A2pulley #padding
